Johannes Wetterich

Hey, my name is Joe and I'm a german Design Conceptioner. I studied Strategic Design MA, Industrial Design BA as well as Sustainability in Design at the Schwäbisch Gmünd University of Applied Sciences and the Ecosign Academy in Cologne. Over the years I have been able to gain practical experience in institutions such as Daimler AG, studioweissschwarz Berlin, thinkproject Germany or the University of Applied Sciences Schwäbisch Gmünd.

The first few years in life are crucial, they say. Mine have always been dominated by creative research activities of all kinds, especially during childhood. Humans build relationships with objects, a thing that has always fascinated me. The joy of logic, form and function still accompanies me through my daily work. I have great enthusiasm for promising technologies, the ingenious design of complex systems and their establishment in art and culture. Design as a vocation enables me to merge my straight forward paradigm with the playful challenge of communicating emotion creatively. 

The excitement for strategic calculation, coupled with the desire to experiment - that's what I call inventive activity and that's what im truely passionate about.

Values & Experiences

Whether at work or in private life, through our actions we represent certain values and beliefs. Through my own commercial activities and while working with customers, companies and teammates, I've developed my individual value base, which accompanies me in everyday life and which significantly shapes my work.

Be sincere

Authenticity and sincerity are valuable and also priceless in our business. As a designer, I have to know the wishes and needs of my counterpart very well, so good interpersonal relationships are paramount. When I am truely myself, I gain other people's trust. Empathy is key when it comes to reaching other people. 

Together we are stronger

Based on the experience I have gained from interdisciplinary projects with small and large teams of designers, as well as engineers and craftsmen from various industries, I am convinced that well-organized, heterogeneous teams usually achieve better results than one individual. Nevertheless, it is reassuring to know that in exceptional cases I can rely on my own abilities.

Never stop dreaming

For me, dreaming is the ultimate definition of freedom. Our imagination allows us to overcome the limits of what is possible and to break out of familiar patterns. Our imagination is the ultimate tool to solve problems. If I let my imagination guide me, it leads me to unexpected heights and shows me possibilities where there were none before. I love to dream, just like I love to design. It enables me to fuse reality with my imagination.

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